Beat the Easter quarantine blues with some fun activities to enjoy on Easter Sunday. We have a mix of indoor and outdoor games and activities that will uplift your spirit and put a smile on your dial!
The good old Egg and Spoon Race
All you need are eggs (hard-boiled are the least messy) and metal or wooden spoons for each participant. Race individually or relay-style.
Jelly Bean Guessing Games
This is an easy indoor game for all ages! Fill a jar with jelly beans and ask each family member to guess how many jelly beans there are. Winner (the closest without going over) takes all!

Make an Easter Egg Tree
Here’s a creative and fun activity for kids (or adults!) experiencing Christmas tree withdrawal! Decorate a tree (indoors or outside in your garden) with plastic Easter eggs and any décor, such as ribbons or tissue paper flowers.
Make Chocolate Fondue
Encourage your kids to share their Easter finds with Mom and Dad! Melt down that giant chocolate bunny and mini eggs and dip skewered marshmallows and fruit into a bowl of chocolate fondue. This will also get your kids to consume some fruit on this chocolate-filled holiday.